Wedding Trends

Being that we are in full swing of the wedding season, I think it's only fitting we talk about wedding trends. First, let me start by saying, please do not let trends dictate your wedding. If you want something that is not trendy, I am here for it. I fully believe that you should make your wedding as fitting as possible to you and your fiance, whether that is trendy or not. Find your vibe and stick with it and it won’t matter what is trendy.

Back to the trends. One of my favorite trends lately that we have been doing a lot in the shop are the pocket square boutonnieres. This is a trend I can stand behind for a few reasons. 1. It takes away the pins. Gone are the days of trying to get the small 3 stem boutonniere to stay vertical and not be crooked. Gone are the days of just hoping and praying you don’t break the boutonniere or stab someone with a pin all while trying to get it to stay. Simply slide the card into the front pocket of the jacket and you’re done. 2. With where the flowers sit on the chest, the pocket square boutonniere seems to hold up better after hours of hugs have happened versus the standard boutonniere. 3. We can add more flowers without it getting bulky. Since we are working with a horizontal line on a pocket square boutonniere, we have more space. The pocket square boutonniere can make more of a statement with the addition of just a couple flowers. 

Another favorite trend of mine is seeing colors in a palette. Not necessarily these bright jewel toned colors (which I do love so much), but just color in general being incorporated into weddings. We have done many all white weddings. While I love their simple elegance and think they are absolutely beautiful, I love color. I love getting a nice, full, saturated color palette. It makes blending colors and textures more seamlessly and stands out in a natural, beautiful way. I encourage brides to explore different colors to include in their palettes, but if white is your jam, I am here for you babe. Let’s do it. 

Another trend that I am seeing and absolutely loving is much smaller weddings and better yet, backyard weddings. I am HERE FOR IT! I love it. To do it all again, I would get married in my parent’s backyard. It feels more cozy, intimate and genuine, not that a larger wedding at a venue can’t be those things. Backyard weddings seem to be trending probably because of their flexibility in planning. I know some venues are booking out so far in advance that couples have to wait 2 to 3 years to get married. Thanks covid. A smaller guest list truly helps in the realm of a budget. In the flower world a good way to put it is this: for $15 per guest, flowers will have a minor role in the wedding. This budget would get you wedding party flowers and possibly an arch. For $25 per guest, flowers will have a bigger impact  on your wedding day. This would get everyone in the bridal party flowers, an arch in the ceremony, some chair or pew decor, and a decent amount of reception flowers. For $35 per guest, flowers would play a MAJOR role in your wedding decor. This budget would get you everything stated above plus bigger centerpieces at the reception and some bigger statement pieces in both the ceremony and reception space. (Please note that this is based off my pricing at Sweet Pea Designs not any other florists pricing)

Sorry, I went on a tangent there, but I think it's important to see how something you wouldn’t think would change your floral budget does affect it. Anyway, I will get off my soap box. To wrap it up with the trends, you do you babe. It doesn’t matter what is trendy, as long as it fits you and your fiance. Every trend fades out of style at some point. 

Talk soon! NK


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