Reduce, REUSE, Recycle
Nicole Krygsheld Nicole Krygsheld

Reduce, REUSE, Recycle

A big topic in the flower world is getting the most bang for your buck with re-purposing your flowers. I am all for a good deal and multipurpose pieces, I am Dutch after all. There are most definitely ways to re-purpose flowers within a wedding day.

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Wedding Trends
Nicole Krygsheld Nicole Krygsheld

Wedding Trends

I fully believe that you should make your wedding as fitting as possible to you and your fiance, whether that is trendy or not. Find your vibe and stick with it and it won’t matter what is trendy.

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From the Top
Nicole Krygsheld Nicole Krygsheld

From the Top

Hi! It's Nicole. The owner and lead designer at Sweet Pea Designs. Thanks for stopping by the blog. This is a new channel for me so please bear with me. My mind seems to always be racing and full of ideas, projects, to do lists and more. It can be overwhelming and honestly cause a good amount of anxiety. I have searched for many ways to help clear and calm my mind, so here goes another attempt, this blog. My hope is that this is a place where I can organize my thoughts to be able to better serve my clients and customers. I often have a notebook, google note or random post-it notes scattered around with my ideas, so let's try to organize them together. While I am no English major or writer and I haven’t taken an English class since high school, I hope you may walk away with something from this blog. 

So let's take it from the top,

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